Who Cares is a 93-minute High Definiton feature documentary about 18 of the most important social entrepreneurs around the world. People who are making changes, bringing solutions, generating huge social impact and most of all, inspiring people to do the same. A film that searches the world for brilliant people with simple solutions to the hard global issues.
Cast: Muhammad Yunus, Bill Drayton, Al Etmanski, Bart Weetjens, Dener Giovanini, Eugenio Scannavino Netto, Isaac Durojaiye, Jehane Noujaim, Joaquim Melo, Joaquín Leguía, John Mighton, Karen Tse, Mary Gordon, Oscar Rivas, Premal Shah, Rodrigo Baggio, Vera Cordeiro and Wellington Nogueira.
2012, HD, 1 x 93'
Directed by: Mara Mourão.
Support: UNESCO.
Distribution: Imovision.
Broadcast: Cinemas no Brasil (2012) , Harvard Business School (USA), Conferência ETHOS (SP), Rio+20, Palácio do Planalto, Sustainable Day, Greenfest (Portugal).
Associate producer: Gullane Filmes.
Coproduction Grifa Filmes and Mamo Filmes.