Critical Uncertainties is a documentary television series with internationally renowned intellectuals. The objective is to present relevant contemporary issues about art, politics, books, economics, international relations, society, history, future of Brazil and more. They are small half-hour documentaries with a main character and an approach of the key issues that he thematizes in his work. Unseen footage of some of the main centers of the world (such as London and Paris) will illustrate the exposure of issues.
Season 1 (2016). 12 x 26’
Directed by: Daniel Augusto.
Script: Daniel Augusto.
Broadcast: TV Brasil.
Interviewed: Noam Chomsky, Zygmunt Bauman, Alain Touraine, Alberto Manguel, Michel Maffesolli, Dominique Moisi, Tariq Ali, Vandana Shiva, Luiz Gonzaga Belluzzo, Mike Davis, Robert Darnton and Richard Sennet.
Season 2 (2017). 13 x 26’
Directed by: Daniel Augusto.
Script: Daniel Augusto.
Interviewed: Jacques Rancière, Christian Boltanski, Axel Honneth, Andreas Huyssen, Antoine Compagnon, Elisabeth Roudinesco, Georges Didi-Huberman, Hal Foster, Jean-Luc Nancy, Jonathan Crary, Luc Ferry, Tzvetan Todorov and Umberto Galimberti.
Season 2 (2021). 13 x 26’
Directed by: Daniel Augusto.
Script: Daniel Augusto.
Christian Dunker, Paulo Arantes, Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Djamila Ribeiro, Renato Janine Ribeiro, Marilena Chauí, Olgária Matos, José Miguel Wisnik, Ismail Xavier, José Arthur Giannotti, Raquel Rolnik, Maria Rita Kehl and Peter Pál Pelbart.